Sunday, December 17, 2006

Seasons Greetings

Greetings, salutations, and how do!!. Hope everyone is well. Just a little update on the old plot, at this seasonal time of year. Hope everyone's christmas preperations are going well.
Personally, it is a time of preparing for next year, which I am looking forward to greatly. The plot is coming on leaps and bounds, with the left hand side turned over fully and covered, and I have got about a third of the right hand side turned over so far. The left hand side has been covered with black polythene, as per previous posts, but I am going to leave the right hand side open to the elements for a while to allow the frost to get at it and break it down a bit.
Since the last post, I have planted some 'Electric' red onions into the plot, to go with the senshyu yellow overwinter sets, to give a decent crop next year after the spring sown sets have gone. The shallots that were planted earlier in autumn have started to split, ready to provide early season goodies for next year. The garlic is also coming on leaps and bounds, with what looks like every clove germinating and sprouting. Photo's to follow next week.
I have also taken stock of the seeds that I have ready for next year, having collected them throughout the year from various offers etc, and have found that I have more than I anticipated, and am somewhat ready to start planting next year, albeight short of one or two varieties. I will be paying a visit to Arcadia and Strikes on friday once I finish work to plug the gaps. This will then leave only seed potatoes to aquire for the new season.
So, that is about it for this update, short and sweet I am afraid. However, it is all in preparation for a bumper season next year, which I am looking forward to with great gusto.
Until next week, cheers for stopping by.